
All Ages

>>Boxcar Devil. A man cursed with bad luck confronts the devil one night while riding a boxcar train.
>>Halfway. A doctor’s follow-up with a patient recently placed in a halfway house gets more and more disturbing when his patient reveals that the woman who “lives” in the kitchen won’t let him leave.
>>The Phantom Truck of Clinton Road. The spirit of a black pick-up truck haunts the roads of its earthly home. Based in part on the legends of Clinton Road from Passaic County, New Jersey.
>>Ragged. Played out entirely over a series of phone calls, Travis tells his disbelieving friend about the monstrous figure haunting him, and who only comes out at night.
>>Spring Loaded. A boy’s best friend doesn’t like how his mean mother is treating him, so the boy’s friend takes revenge.
>>Vines. It’s Halloween and Kristopher is late for school, but along the way he encounters strange pumpkin-like creatures coming to life in the local cemetery.

Mature Readers

>>Attached Living. A recently divorced man moves into an apartment in the city and begins to hear the wailing of a baby through the walls.
>>The Devil and Halloween. A man encounters the devil one Halloween night outside a convenience store, and then gives him a ride.
>>Engine. An unknown narrator laments the loss of his best friend, who is now haunting him.